Here are links to other resources you may find useful. Minnesota Mensa and American Mensa are not affiliated with the non-Mensa organizations listed below and make no endorsements or guarantees about the organizations or the links.
American Mensa article: Defining Intellectual Ability Requires Examining the Tools Used to Measure It
Intelligence Research
Mensa Foundation Awards, Fellowships, and Grants
U.S. Department of Education: Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program
American Mensa: Gifted Youth
Gifted Youth (Resources Not found on the American Mensa Website)
Minnesota Council for the Gifted & Talented
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
Northwestern University Center for Talent Development
Purdue University: Gifted Education Research & Resource Institute
Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies
Summer Institute for the Gifted
University of Iowa Belin-Blank Center: Gifted Education & Talent Development
William & Mary School of Education: Center for Gifted Education